Oracle Advanced Collections - Version: 11.5.10
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This troubleshooting guide will help you troubleshoot XML Printing with Oracle Advanced Collections.
Last Review Date
March 20, 2008
Instructions for the Reader
A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting Details
Recommended Patch Level for using XML with Collections is 11i.IEX.H RUP #4 and XML Publisher 5.5 or above is the minimum but 5.6 is recommended.
As of Release 11i.IEX.H, you can now send your correspondence using XML instead of One to One Fulfillment. In Release 12, XML will be the only option, as One to One Fulfillment will be removed. The addition of XML to Collections resulted in a new Concurrent Process (IEX: XML Generated and Delivery) and a few additional setup steps. Please be sure to review the section in the Oracle Collections Implementation guide that covers how to set this up and use the appropriate templates and profile options. Please keep in mind that the word fulfillment is used in these setups whether you are using XML or 1 to 1 Fulfillment. This word is not representative of your choice of delivery methods.
When you run the Workflow Background Process - IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Mailer to process your work items that require email, printing or faxing, a new concurrent process will automatically start, IEX XML Generated and Delivery concurrent process. This is the actual process that will email, fax or print the correspondence. This concurrent process will run once for each work item that needs to be processed. It processes one letter at a time.
You'll probably log an SR when the IEX XML Generated and Delivery process fails. However, the very first thing to check would be if you can see the OUTPUT (Correspondence Letter) via the View Output button on the request screen? If the OUTPUT or letter is viewable then the issue is not going to be with the Collections process, but rather with the setup of the printer, XML or XDO. In this case, you will need to work with the XML Publisher team to get the output to print, fax or email correctly.
If you do View Output and it's not correct or available, then the problem is with the Collections side and you should log an SR to the Collections team, letting them know you tried this test.
There are two options when using XML to Print, Fax or Email:
1. IPP - this requires an XDODELIVERY.cfg file in the $XDO_TOP/resource directory and special patching - 5004894 and 5120935. IPP is used as an MS (Microsoft) Solution. See below for setup and troubleshooting of the XDODELIVERY.cfg file.
2. CUPs - Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) is a free, server-style, IPP-based software that can accept IPP requests and dispatch those requests to both IPP and non-IPP based devices, such as printers and fax machines. See for more information about CUPS. See Setting Up Cups, page 11-36 for additional information. CUPS will actually convert the PDF file into a PS file and allow it to print on the printer or fax.
Do I Need to Configure xdodelivery.cfg if I'm Using CUPS to Handle my XML Printing?
Yes and No, if you are using CUPS to print, then you do not need the XDODELIVERY.cfg file, the application uses the profile options. Unless you setup CUPS with a username/password. Then you will need to use the XDODELIVERY.cfg file and include the username/password in the definition.
Oracle Collections sends the output to the CUPS server and the CUPS server converts the PDF to Postscript and then allows it to print correctly
Also, keep in mind that when setting up the printer, you MUST use Port 631. The other thing to keep in mind is if you are setting up a FAX server, then you must use the XDODELIVERY.cfg file.
The XDODELIVERY.cfg file is not something that Oracle supplies, this is a file that is manually created by you, the customer. A Sample XDODELIVERY.cfg file is documented in the XML Publisher User's Guide ex. B13817_06 and is supported by the XML Publisher Support team.
Make sure it is valid xml file and placed in $XDO_TOP/resource directory
You need to install pdftops utility for PDF to PS conversion for MS printing
NOTE: The following error in the IEX: XML Generate and Delivery concurrent process can be ignored if you are using CUPS without an xdodelivery.cfg file.
"Config file /erp/dev/apps/snoopyappl/xdo/11.5.0/resource/xdodelivery.cfg does not exist"
IEX: Print IPP Host -
IEX: Print IPP Port - 631
IEX: IPP Printer Name - /printers/orlprt1_ipp
The application will take these profile results and build the URL string that is used to get to the profile.
IPP Troubleshooting and Setup:
In order to use IPP for print/fax, you must setup the XDODELIVERY.cfg file. XDODELIVERY.cfg is validated by opening the file on a browser. This will show any errors on the xml file or if any xml tags are missing or incomplete.
1. CUPS will always have a URI that starts with HTTP:
2. Type for CUPS and IPP will always be ipp_printer
3. If using IPP, then you must have pdftops
4. The Port is always 631
5. IPP will always have a URI that starts with IPP
6. For Email - Server name is always mysmpt1
Collections selects the hostname from the printer URI and checks whether it is valid machine name I.E. it should translate into IP address. (you can ping machine at the UNIX/DOS prompt)
Convert PDF to PS:
You may need to specify the filter to convert PDF to postscript. Please find the pdftops command in the local machine (can be downloaded from internet if not available) and specify it in a full path (bold part) in the config file XDODELIVERY.cfg like following.
/usr/bin/pdftops {infile} {outfile}
IPP printing also requires filtercontentType to application/postcript
ipp://myserver:80/printers/Myprinter1/.printer /usr/local/bin/pdftops {infile} {outfile} application/postscript
CUPS with a UserID/Password:
If you want to add a Userid/Password on a CUPS server, you will need to supply the XDODELIVERY.cfg file with the information to pass:
The sample config file shows how the XDODELIVERY.cfg should be set as: basic cupsuser cupspwd
Some of the most common errors in the XML Generate and Delivery concurrent process are:
1. String Index -1, this is usually an issue with the printer/fax/email setup.
2. Sending process failed: no address to send, this usually means that there is an
issue with the contact. See Note 382837.1 for details
3. In order to use IPP you must have installed patch - 5584501 IEXXMLGEN : UNABLE TO PRINT IPP PRINTER AND XDODELIVERY.CFG from the XML Publisher team for version 5.5.0 of XML Publisher.
Locating the Issue with IPP
1. Please check the profile ‘IEX: IPP printer name’ matches the printer server name section in the XDODELIVERY.cfg file.
2. Confirm the printer is IPP ready:
A. With the following command from the prompt:
If it immediately returns with the message "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused", this means it is not accepting requests. If the prompt doesn't come back, it means it is waiting for the request, that's a good sign.
B. If step 1 works (the prompt doesn't come back for a while), try to setup the IPP on windows to see how it works. Here are the steps to complete this:
-From the remote Windows, choose 'Printers and Faxes' from the start menu.
-Double click 'Add Printer'
-Choose 'A Network printer' radio button and next
-Choose 'Connect to a printer on the internet...' radio button, type
WHERE - is the CUPS server name.
-Choose the printer driver and submit.
-If you could successfully create the printer, right click that printer and choose 'properties'
-Click 'Print Test Page' in the property dialog.
C. If step 2A fails, it means the printer is IPP enabled, but somehow it rejects IPP requests. Try Step 1 again, only this time use port 80 instead of 631 - %telnet
D. If 'C' works (prompt doesn't come back for a while), try the same thing
as previously noted with the value (not 631).
E. If 'D' works (prompt doesn't come back for a while), please also try xml publisher with port 80.
Please don't forget the trailing slash. Also, if possible, turn on the Apps debug logging to 'STATEMENT' Note 264196.1 mode before running the request so that it shows all the debug info to the log, including IEX and XDO.
F. If it's the IPP printer, please try also followings.
G. f it's the IPP printer on Windows IIS and the name is "yourprintername" , please try followings.
Locating Issue with Writing to the Temp Directory:
Sometimes the IEX: XML Delivery and Generate process may have a problem locating the TEMP Directory to write to. In this case, you will have to use the xdodelivery.cfg file to define a TEMP directory even if you are using CUPS. Here is a sample: